A Cute Hoor in the White House

Martin Nutty
3 min readJan 17, 2020

When I talk to Irish friends or family about the Trump Presidency, I simply refer to him as a “Cute Hoor”, an Irish archetype that is instantly understood by folks on the other side of the Atlantic

On returning from a recent trip to my place of origin, I dropped the term on an unsuspecting New Yorker, who paused, puzzled and raised an eyebrow. Realizing my geographical faux pas, I proceeded to explain how I thought the term was the most concise description of the Half Person that inhabits the White House.

If you’re an American reader you would likely question why anyone would refer to the Orange Creature as a pretty prostitute? After all, that unfortunate profession is primarily inhabited by women and Orange Boy, despite his pendulous pectorals is many things, but clearly not a woman.

In Hiberno-English “cute” not only refers to a wholesomeness of appearance but also connotes street smarts. Most would agree, such wisdom may be accumulated by persons that ply that oldest profession and carve out a living on the periphery of the law. Many readily accept the notion that the Packet of Lard in the White House is more than willing to prostitute himself and any of his minions if it moves him further towards his unquenchable thirst for adulation and plaudits.

Let me be clear, the Cute Hoor in Ireland is not necessarily a sinister figure. Often, such an individual is a welcome rogue tilting against established foolishness. Context is everything and I use the term in the more sinister sense that is well understood in Ireland. This usage describes a figure who:

1) Is untethered from norms and laws. The Amoral Acolyte of Roy Cohn that inhabits our Executive Mansion believes that conscience is a luxury and that rules are to be bent and twisted in the furtherance of gain or the extraction of revenge at all costs

2) Is corrupt and will readily violate peers or subordinates if there is the scent of a quick buck in the air. The Manhattan Mook has left a trail of small businesses in his wake devastated by his venality. His reputation is so poor in New York City that no domestic bank will extend him credit. Only Deutsche Bank with it’s less than stellar ethical performance continues to finance the much Bankrupt Bumbler but I expect that institution’s money laundering expertise from questionable Russia sources had an additional appeal for the Feckless Fool.

3) Is convinced of his own genius and has some hyper developed facets but lacks any self awareness and is blind to his own limitations. Thoughts jump to mind of the First Huckster’s ability to market overpriced tacky real estate to oligarchs, petrogarchs and criminal types. Indeed his ability to license his ersatz name as a premium brand despite his scurrilous behavior verges on admirable.

4) Is unmoored from any notion of empathy. No qualm of conscience has troubled the Gutless Grifter as he gaslights the struggling middle class on the benefits of tax breaks for his gilded friends; strips away the possibility of healthcare for many and blames the deterioration of social benefits and job losses on scary brown immigrants. Nor is any pang of conscience evident in the wake of the numerous women violated by this Lecherous Lothario

5) Is foremost a prevaricator. The Flabby Lipped Liar, has no interest in truth. Facts are to be bent and bludgeoned in the service of some questionable advantage. His calumnies are legion and are issued at such heading spinning speed that they mask the damage being done to the Office of the President

I know it might seem foolish to engage in name calling exercises, but sometimes it’s important to precisely label that which constitutes an imminent threat. A Jackal is called a Jackal for a reason and not a puppy. To know the enemy of American freedom is to name it.

So, I give you: Donald J. Trump. Never has a creature epitomized a sobriquet so perfectly. May he be the last of his ilk in The Oval Office. Call him by the name he deserves: Cute Hoor.



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